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Menstruation Art Education Exhibition

4 Jan-7 Jan 2024 (THU-SUN)



《P.E.R.I.O.D:without shame》月经艺术教育展,旨在提高公众对维护妇女权利的意识,减少月经汙名化。希望能够促进积极参与对月经的开放对话和教育,增加对不同文化处理月经的了解。

为期四天的《P.E.R.I.O.D:without shame》月经艺术教育展将免费开放给大众入场。主办方诚挚邀请大众一同参与,共同突破月经羞耻的界限,为马来西亚创造一个更加性别友善的社会环境。

"P.E.R.I.O.D: Without Shame" aims to raise public awareness about women’s rights and reduce the stigma surrounding menstruation. It hopes to encourage active participation in open dialogues and education about menstruation while increasing understanding of how different cultures approach this natural process.


The four-day “P.E.R.I.O.D: without shame” exhibition is open to the public for free. The organisers sincerely invite everyone to join the “P.E.R.I.O.D: Without Shame” Menstrual Arts and Education Exhibition, together we can collectively break the barriers of menstrual shame and contribute to creating a more gender-friendly societal environment in Malaysia.

Exhibition Area Classification


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Touch Experience of Menstrual Product
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Social Experiment
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Myth and Origins
Mirror Snap Area
Donate Sanitary Pad
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"The Moon Inside You" Screening
Sticky Note Area

Through the restoration of workplace scenarios, the importance of menstrual leave in the workplace and society's voice on menstrual leave are discussed. A menstrual pain experience device is also prepared to let the audience experience the physical pain that women suffer during menstruation, to guide the impact of menstrual pain on daily life and work, to deepen the understanding of the physiological challenges that women may face in the workplace, and to encourage the society to pay better attention to and meet the special needs of female employees in the workplace.

Touch Experience of Menstrual Product
Through the display of various types of sanitary products, the audience was able to comprehend that there is a wide range of sanitary products, be they thin, thick, long or short, inserted or wearable, including sanitary products that are not commonly found in Malaysia. Through hands-on experience, audiences will be able to obtain a better understanding of the materials, shapes, and usage of various types of sanitary products.

Through the reconstruction of a real family toilet scene, the story illustrates the pressure, negative perceptions, and shame that women face when dealing with menstruation in this private space. It is also hoped that the audience will be able to experience the frustration and helplessness that women feel in this situation, and that there is nothing they can do to change the oppressive feelings brought about by their families. The domestic toilet scene will also incorporate the culture behind tampon washing, which will help viewers understand the way women deal with menstruation in different cultures.

Through the reconstruction of a classroom scene, the film explores the power, psychological discomfort and human rights of Muslim women in Malaysia in the face of menstrual check, enabling the audience to better understand the feelings of the examinees. It also takes the opportunity to discuss the current situation of menstrual education in Malaysia, calling for social change in menstrual education and emphasizing the importance of menstrual education in schools.

Through the restoration of workplace scenarios, the importance of menstrual leave in the workplace and society's voice on menstrual leave are discussed. A menstrual pain experience device is also prepared to let the audience experience the physical pain that women suffer during menstruation, to guide the impact of menstrual pain on daily life and work, to deepen the understanding of the physiological challenges that women may face in the workplace, and to encourage the society to pay better attention to and meet the special needs of female employees in the workplace.

Social Experiment
Through a social experiment, menstrual shame is projected onto the streets of Malaysia by observing how passers-by look, act and speak when they see a woman with menstrual leakage in a public place. Their responses and reactions will shed light on the phenomenon of menstrual shame in the Malaysian community and show the sensitivity of the topic of menstruation in public places.
Myths and Origins
透过数据展现TOP 5的月经迷思,让观众了解这些迷思在时间、文化与误解的推移下如何被污名化。在这将聚焦于揭示迷思与污名化的根源,包括不同种族在月经期间不能进宗教场所的缘由。希望观众能透过缘由,反思并打破对迷思的误解,以更理性、包容的态度对待经期中的女性。

By presenting the TOP 5 menstrual myths through data, audiences can understand how these myths have been stigmatized over time, culture, and misconceptions. This will focus on revealing the roots of myths and stigmatization, including the reasons why different races are not allowed in religious places during menstruation. It is intended that the audience would think on and dispel myths about the causes, allowing them to treat women during menstruation in a more sensible and tolerant manner.

Mirror Snap Area
With the help of encouraging words and a variety of shaped and sized mirrors, the audience is given a deeper understanding of how special and distinct each individual is. Audiences should embrace and cherish their individuality with confidence, regardless of size or look.
Donate Sanitary Pad

The average woman uses 5,000-15,000 tampons in her lifetime. According to the World Bank, 800 million women worldwide cannot afford to pay for sanitary products. In Malaysia, some lower-income women are forced to use rags or even old nappies during their menstrual cycle, which is unhygienic and poses a threat to their health. This initiative is to urge people not to waste tampons, but to donate them to the needy to bring practical help to the community.

Screening of "The Moon Inside You"
Through the presentation of the documentary, the audience is guided to explore and scrutinize the social attitudes towards menstruation, taboos, and personal perspectives on menstruation of women from different backgrounds. This documentary, which covers the social side of menstruation while also emphasizing the opinions of experts, seeks to raise audiences' understanding of the matter and encourage them to have candid conversations about it.
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